Thursday, February 7, 2013

My favorite maternity shoot yet...

I asked if she'd let me blog her maternity shoot, and she just couldn't resist being the subject of one of my blog posts....Tammie is a friend that I've met through work, but she's just too awesome to not become more than just a work friend. Especially now considering we won't be working at the same place within the next few weeks, we will definitely be keeping in touch.

So as I embarked on her maternity shoot, I had one goal in mind....not to screw it up. She had, after all, not had the best experience with a previous maternity shoot. So I was determined to do my absolute best to have her and her adorable hubby really enjoy the photos I took. Disappointment for someone isn't something I'd like to do. So I set off on a 3-4 hour journey that included so many photos to make sure I had as high quality pictures for her as I could get.

I mean if we're being honest wasn't very hard for me to make sure great photos emerged because she was an awesome subject, doing almost anything that I asked! And she's just too cute!!

The above is my favorite photo. I'm still working on learning photoshop, so this is all done in lightroom, but it was still pretty easy to edit out all the color but the bow. 

That sweater was like a perfect find for the maternity shoot. I perfectly, went with her skin tone, and overall just accented that beautiful belly Julia has helped create! 

I can't decide which is and white or...

Color? I love them both equally I think. The sunlight came through that window perfectly! 

I haven't quite mastered the silhouette photo. The above is my trying. Still gotta work on it, but she loved this one just the same. 

Daddy was of course a good subject. He did as he was told. Moved things when he should, and was out of the way most of the time. :-)

Nothing like parent's love. They are such a cute couple. I can't wait to meet little Julia! 

Daddy was super excited that his hands made the heart shadow. I can't lie...I kinda was too. Too too cute!

When asked if she really liked the photos, Tammie said yes. So mission accomplished. Now I wait for little Julia to get here so I can photograph her as well. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35...Project 365

So every day I drive home, I pass this one house that apparently has issues with hoodlums hitting their mailbox. And every day, there either isn't enough light to photograph it, or I don't have time to stop. However, I got lucky today. It makes me giggle a little every day I pass it. I'm not really sure the story behind it, but I'd be willing to bet that the homeowners do not find their mailbox issue as funny as I find it. But I am awarding them an A for creativity. No one likes boring old mailboxes on wooden posts. So what did this homeowner do??

They shoved a stick in it. Finished apparently with fixing the mailbox problems? It's barely hanging on in the wind. Nothing a little duct tape can't fix! That's what is wrapped around the bottom that is keeping the mailbox holding onto the piece of rebar (spelling?). My dad always told me that duct tape fixes everything! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33...Project 365

I struggled today to find something to photograph. Especially considering I waited until after daylight was gone to decide what to take my daily photo of. I am definitely not good at non-daylight photos. I can't seem to grasp the white balance on fluorescent versus incandescent. It's so frustrating. That and the lighting is just never quite right for me. It explains why I love the sunshine so much.

So today, day 33, is my picture wall in my room. I absolutely adore looking at photography and taking it. But for some reason, I can't manage to fill up my own frames. It's a shame really. All those frames completely empty. Thanks to my best friend for designing and hanging all those frames for me. Lord knows I can't walk a straight line, let alone hang a bunch of picture frames straight. I am making it a priority...after all, I took the great advice from my other best friend that I need to start taking time for me. And this would be one thing I should do for myself. Photos make me happy, which is why I chose to put a photo wall up. So why not actually be able to enjoy those things? 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32 Project 365

I took another little break from editing my last maternity session...which I hope to blog as soon as my beautiful friend gets to see it! I found an old photo that I first took when I got my new camera. It's been some time ago, but I absolutely love this photo, and I had totally forgotten about it.

This is my Rustaford Rufus....Rusty puppy or Rusty for short. He's also been call Houdini and devil dog other times. LOL. He's my doggie nephew, and I love and miss him very much. He is my BFF's dog, but he owns a little piece of my heart. He's a great snuggler....when he wants to be. 

In almost all of the photos I've taken of Rusty, he never looks at the camera. I don't know if he's being shy or he is really confused as to why I have this contraption held up to my face. It could also be the fact that when I got the camera, he happened to be my only subject on a daily basis. So I might've actually scarred him slightly. That and I make him put clothes on regularly to photo....he really despises that. So I hope you enjoy my baby.